How Long Can a Semi Truck Last?

The life span of a semi-truck is approximately 750,000 miles. In this article, we review how long a semi-truck lasts, the highest mileage of a semi-truck, and truck maintenance costs per mile.

How hard is it to get a CDL?

If you’ve thought about becoming a Commercial Truck Driver and getting your share of the whopping $723 Billion US trucking industry, you’ve landed on the right page.

Sight Side Backing – Process, vs. Blindside, FAQs

Sight side backing is a preferred method of parking a tractor-trailer. Learn how to perform this method safely.

How Many Hours Can a Trucker Drive?

Truck Drivers have regulations on maximum driving hours per day, week and sometimes a month. Learn what these are and how they vary between states.

Blindside Backing – Tips and Dangers

Blindside backing is a difficult and sometimes dangerous maneuver. Learn some tips to help you when this is your only parking option!

What Does Air Ride Equipped Mean?

This article discusses the details of air ride equipped trucks and trailers that use an air compressor suspension systems.

Common Illnesses of Truck Drivers

The job demands of a trucker make them more likely to develop common illnesses. What are these common illnesses, how do they compare to the national average, and what are the contributing factors?

The Advantages of a 20-Speed Transmission

We review the use of 20-Speed transmissions in trucks today, the Spicer model, shift diagram, and compare it to the 18-speed transmission.

Riggy’s Partners with TruckBays to Provide Modern Truck Parking Access

Truckers are always our priority, we are focusing on ease of use when it comes to gate access, bay management, payment management and communication.